Introducing New Employees to Your Clinic and Patients

The induction process for new staff members shouldn’t only be about introducing your new employee to their colleagues, showing them where to find everything, and making sure they know the rules and regulations. If your new employee is in a client-facing role, you also need to consider how you introduce your new team member to your clientele, and ensure that they are fully versed in your style of customer service.

Your clinic protocols may be clearly stated in writing, but the nuances of the client journey may not be, and neither may your specific treatment techniques. Don’t simply plunge your new employee in at the deep end and expect them to pick things up as they go along, make the transition easy for both your staff and your clients, and run through all important details at the start.

‘Shadowing’: Observing colleagues on a regular day in the clinic

A useful and practical way to get new staff members inducted into your clinic methods is to allow them to ‘shadow’ other team members. Even if your new employee is an experienced clinician, observing the clinic team on a regular day will give them the opportunity to learn the patient journey, watch how team members interact, and listen to how staff deal with customers.

By listening to the language used and watching the processes followed by team members, new staff members will be able to see first-hand the style and level of customer service expected. By watching practitioners deliver treatments, new clinicians will be able to study the techniques used in the clinic, and ensure that they deliver their treatments in the preferred style.

Inductions for non-clinical staff

All staff members who interact with your clientele should be given guidance as to the standard of communication and service expected, and should be educated in methods specific to your clinic. Don’t just assume your receptionists will answer the phone or meet patients using your standard greeting, or know which elite patients are top priority for booking allocations. Your patient advisors may already know how to communicate treatment information accurately, and understand the importance of discretion, but they may not be aware of the tone you wish them to use when communicating with patients. If you have preferred methods, let them know what they are.

Training clinical staff in your preferred techniques

Aesthetic practitioners need to understand more than just your customer service processes, as they will also have to perform treatments to your expected standard. Depending on the date, location and provider of training, your new clinician’s methods may differ slightly to other practitioners, but still be of an excellent standard. If you use specific techniques in your clinic, and ones that your regular patients have come to expect, then demonstrate your techniques, and give guidance on or training in your preferred methods.

If your clinic has become so popular that you need to hire new clinicians, it’s certainly not a bad position to be in. If your business is booming because of the great results from certain popular treatments, then you need to ensure that those procedures are performed to the same standard every time, so that success continues. A talented practitioner will be able to learn and adjust to your methods, so explain what results you expect right at the start.

Transferring existing clients and attracting new clients

You may be employing a new clinician because your client base has grown beyond what you could fit into your schedule, or because you are replacing someone who is moving on. Either way, if you are thinking of transferring existing patients to a new clinician, your practitioner will have to be prepared to perform each treatment in the way the patient has come to expect, and they should be introduced in advance to ensure that your patient feels comfortable.

Your new clinician may be highly skilled, but if they are new to your practice, then your patients may not have that knowledge. Prospective patients may be drawn to your clinic by the skill and reputation of your existing team, so they may not be as keen to opt for treatments with a new starter. Make the effort to introduce your clinician and promote their skills to your client base, and it may be easier to fill your new practitioner’s diary.

Keeping your online information accurate

Many prospective patients will browse your website to have a look at your offering, and they may actively look for the names of clinicians, and some information on their experience. Patients want to do their research prior to making an enquiry or booking, so provide them with accurate information to make for a seamless patient journey. If your website still lists former employees, or doesn’t mention new practitioners, patients may not expect to see a clinician they have no knowledge of. You want your clients to feel at ease, so offer clear and up-to-date information online and in clinic, and you’ll avoid any surprises for patients.

Open evenings to break the ice

If you have a fantastic new aesthetic doctor or nurse joining your practice who will broaden your offering with their expertise, you could consider holding a social event to allow a number of existing and potential patients to meet them and hear about their talent. An open evening could include mini-consultations, so your new clinician can demonstrate their aptitude and break the ice with your client base.

Whether your new employee’s role is to perform treatments or not, introducing your staff member to your clientele, your techniques and preferred methods, is an important part of their induction process. Don’t think induction of new employees is all about getting them to study a manual on protocols, give them the chance to experience your clinic.

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